Learning 17 Mar, 2023

Types of Options (American & European) and their limitations

American options are tradable and have no expiration date. American options are also known as "call" options, because they give the holder the right to buy a stock at a specific price with no obligation to do so.
American options are similar, only they're more flexible you can exercise your option at any time before it expires (or "expiration"), and there are no restrictions on when you can do so.

European options are non-tradable and have an expiration date. European options are known as "put" options, because they give the holder the right to sell a stock at a specific price with no obligation to do so.
European options are a little more complicated, but they have the same basic premise. European options give you the right to buy or sell a stock at a fixed price within a certain time period. They're also known as a "right" because they give you the right to do something (buy or sell) on a set date in the future.

Limitations of option buying strategy:

Option buying trading is a risky strategy because it increases the chances of loss because it gives you no control over your position and it can cause you to lose money in the long run.
Option buying trading is a way to make money, but it also increases the chances of losing money.

Options are contracts that give you the right to buy or sell a stock at a certain price by a certain date. If you're going to buy an option, you need to know how much it's going to cost and what your expected return will be. You also need to know if there are any expiration dates on your options contract, which means they'll stop working if they expire before their expiration date.

The problem with option buying trading is that there's no guarantee that the price of the stock will go up or down within the time frame of your option contract. This means that if you buy an option contract for $100, but then after one month finds out that the price has dropped 10%, then your investment has gone down by 10% as well!
Best broker for the options trading 

Option trading is one of the most popular ways to make money in India. It's also one of the easiest ways to start investing, because it doesn't require any special knowledge or training.

However, there are many different brokers out there that offer different levels of service and quality. The best broker for options trading in India will depend on your needs and goals.

If you want to trade stocks and ETFs, then we recommend Stock Option Superking. They offer both an API and a web interface that allows you to access their platform from anywhere in the world. Their team is very responsive, so if you have any questions or concerns about your account or trades, they'll get back to you quickly!

If you're looking for a broker who specializes in options trading (but not necessarily just options), then we recommend Stock Option Superking. They offer high quality research reports on various markets around the world, along with lots of educational content about how these markets work and what makes them tick (if you're interested).